Coveside In-House Breadbox Window Bird Feeder

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SKU: COV-27000
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Witness the vivacious activity of backyard birds up close with the Coveside In-House Breadbox Window Bird Feeder. This elegant, mahogany feeder evokes traditional appearance of a classic breadbox. An open, wide design encourages a multitude of birds to come and enjoy a pleasant dining experience while the transparent, rounded back panel offers a convenient view from inside your home. The feeder's level base holds up to 2 quarts of seed, suet, or fruit for your avian visitors. This gorgeous mahogany unit fits into most double hung windows from 24" to 36" wide. A pair of included wooden side panels attaches to the feeder to create a barrier between your window and the outdoors, and additional included Velcro and insulation strips makes for optimal installation. Enjoy the whimsical dining antics of backyard birds with this In-House Breadbox Window Bird Feeder. Made in the USA.

Birds that use this feeder:
  • blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, doves, finches, flickers, goldfinches, grackles, grosbeaks, jays, juncos, kinglets, mockingbirds, nuthatches, orioles, redpolls, robins, siskins, sparrows, starlings, tanagers, thrushes, titmice, towhees, warblers, waxwings, woodpeckers, and wrens
Seed or Feed Options: cracked corn, fruit, mealworms, mixed seed, peanut chunks, peanuts in the shell, safflower seed, suet, sunflower kernels, and sunflower seed
Capacity: 2 qts., 3 lbs.
Dimensions: 17.5"L x 10"W x 9.25"H feeder, 12"L x 9"W x 0.75"H side panels
Mounting: window mount
Construction: mahogany, plastic